
Publikacje i konferencje

  • Hernik, J., Linke, H.J., Krol, K., Salata, T., Kukulska-Koziel, A., Cegielska, K. (2024). Artificial Intelligence and Geodata for Local Community Sensibilization to Sustainable Spatial Development. In: Soliman, K.S. (eds) Artificial intelligence and Machine Learning. IBIMA-AI 2023. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 2101. Springer, Cham.
  • Cegielska, K., Kukulska-Kozieł, A. Hernik, J. (2024). Green Neighbourhood Sustainability Index – A measure of the balance between anthropogenic pressure and ecological relevance. Ecological Indicators, 160, 111815.
  • Król, K.; Kukulska-Kozieł, A.; Cegielska, K.; Salata, T.; Hernik, J. (2024). Turbulent Events Effects: Socioeconomic Changes in Southern Poland as Captured by the LSED Index. Sustainability, 16(1), 38.
  • Hernik, J., Kukulska-Kozieł, A., Cegielska, K., Salata, T., Król, K. (2023). Artificial intelligence and geodata for sensibilisation of local communities for sustainable spatial development – reflections from project activities. In: The 3rd Workshop of Asian Young Geographers: Geospatial sciences for land management. December 16th-17th, 2023. Program Book
  • Hernik, J., Linke, H-J., Król, K., Salata, T., Kukulska-Kozieł, A., Cegielska, K. (2023). Artificial Intelligence and Geodata for Local Community Sensibilization to ustainable Spatial Development. In: Proceedings of the 41st International Business Information Management Association Computer Science Conference (IBIMA), 26-27 June 2023, Granada, Spain, pp. 78-84. (ISSN: 2767-9640).

The research was carried out as part of the scientific project entitled: Artificial intelligence and geodata for sensibilisation of local communities for sustainable spatial development GeoSen (WPN/4/65/GEOSEN/2022) cofinanced by The National Centre for Research and Development in Poland from the 4th German – Polish call for bilateral R&D cooperation in the field of digitization of the economy.

Zapraszamy do lektury publikacji, która powstała we współpracy z Uniwersytetem Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu. Artykuł pt. Exploring green areas in Polish cities in context of anthropogenic land use changes opublikowano w prestiżowym czasopiśmie The Anthropocene Review @SAGE.

Celem pracy było zbadanie przestrzenno-czasowych zmian terenów zieleni w polskich miastach. Badania przeprowadzono w skali makro (dla wszystkich 936 polskich miast) i w skali mikro (na przykładzie dwóch miast: Krakowa i Torunia) w latach 2006-2018.

Noszczyk, T., Cegielska, K., Rogatka, K., Starczewski, T. (2022). Exploring green areas in Polish cities in context of anthropogenic land use changes. The Anthropocene Review. 

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